Guji Guji – a very special duck
The story begins with a crocodileegg that lands in a ducks´nest. Out pops Guji Guji- a small crocodile that becomes raised as a duck. Mother Duck doesn´t care that Guji is different from the other young ones. They are her children and she loves them all, just the way they are. Problems arise when Guji Guji meets two big crocodiles. They declare that Guji is a bloodthirsty duck-eating crocodile – just like them! Guji Guji is a tale about differences and similarities, love, friendship and thinking for yourself. Freely adapted from the book Guji Guji by Chih Yuan Chen (Taiwan).Photo: Martin Skoog
Light design: Pär Ibbing
Makeup artist: Isabelle de Boulloche
The Guji Guji Taiwan Tour 2016
Boulevardteatern was invited to Taiwan by IFKIDSTHEATRE and Hsin Yi Foundation to perform in Taiwan in September 2016. The tour turned out to be a great success. We performed 8 sold-out shows in 3 cities. Taipei, Taichung and Kaoushing. Francis Shen at IFKIDS wrote: ”What a wonderful experience! Taiwanese kids loved the show!”… ”The music was sensational, and the actresses were very welltrained. Every department of the show was all to the point.”
The journey was made with support from the Swedish Council of Arts.
GUJI GUJI’s United States tour 2017 was made possible with support from Hsin Yi Foundation, the Swedish Arts Council, the Barbro Osher Foundation, the Ministry of Culture in Taiwan, The Taipei Cultural Center in New York, the New York City General Consulate, and the Embassy of Sweden in Washington, D.C. and Scandinavian House in New York.
Press reviews:
“This is so good I keep forgetting it´s a childrenshow”
” The kids are sitting like meerkats, still , silent, and observant .Enchanted”
” A tribute to Chih Yuan Chens book/…/and an accolade to imagination, humour, and the unlimited art of mime.”
Minst En Gång i Veckan
“Multi-layered children’s theatre about identity”
” A joyful journey with plenty of music, singing and dancing”
Alingsås Tidning
” The tightly-knit ensemble, Martina Grimstedt, Sara Ribbenstedt and Ana Stanisic, play waddling ducks and sneaky crocodiles. They possess a great sense of physical dynamic acting and contact with the audience.”
“Daniel Goldmann’s motion-based directing and Jörgen Aggeklint’s effective theatre music create a dramatisation that becomes, more or less, a mini-musical.”
“We learn to appreciate our differences and to challenge the things we take for granted.”
Berättelsen om Guji Guji
börjar med att ett krokodilägg råkar hamna i ett ankbo. Ur ägget kommer Guji Guji, en liten krokodil som kommer att växa upp som anka. Ankmamman har inga som helst problem med att Guji Guji är olik de andra syskonen, utan älskar alla sina barn precis som de är. Problemen börjar först när det dyker upp två stora krokodiler som påstår att Guji Guji inte är en anka utan en blodtörstig ankätande krokodil precis som de. Om likhet och olikhet, kärlek, vänskap och att tänka själv.
Efter en bok av Chih Yuan Chen.
Föreställningen som hitills spelat 616 föreställningar turnerade hösten 2016 i Taiwan, blev utvald till New York Musical Festival 2017, samt medverkade på Kids Euro Festival i Washington oktober 2017.
“Multi-layered children’s theatre about identity” ” A joyful journey with plenty of music, singing and dancing”
“Daniel Goldmann’s motion-based directing and Jörgen Aggeklint’s effective theatre music create a dramatisation that becomes, more or less, a mini-musical.””We learn to appreciate our differences and to challenge the things we take for granted.”
“This is so good I keep forgetting it´s a childrenshow”..” The kids are sitting like meerkats, still , silent, and observant. Enchanted”
” A tribute to Chih Yuan Chens book/…/and an accolade to imagination, humour, and the unlimited art of mime.”
”What a wonderful experience! Taiwanese kids loved the show!”…
”The music was sensational, and the actresses were very well trained.
Every department of the show was all to the point.”